A Thirty Minute Workout Plan (that actually works!)

There are thousands of fitness workouts available out there, just a quick Google search brings up 66 million hits. The online fitness world can be a maze of confusion and bad advice. However, we have a great workout plan to aid your weight loss and help you tone up.

Let’s face it, you’ve taken the time out of your busy schedule to visit the gym and exercise. The last thing you want to be doing is a generic workout that does not really even challenge you and therefore has little effect on your body. Take a look at ours, inspired by the best workouts there is. Guaranteed to help you lose weight, tone up and to make you smile.

There is a lot of evidence that consistent, hard work in the gym for just half an hour a day can make a huge difference when it comes to burning calories and losing weight. Working out for thirty minutes or more is a great way to increase your metabolic rate. This will help you drop the weight faster, especially when coupled with healthy a healthy diet.

Watching your weight, your food intake and a balanced workout will help you get the body you want for 2014. And make you feel amazing as well. Exercising for half an hour makes your body move and burn fat without making you too tired or burnt out.

Everyone, from Victoria Secret models to office workers should try and fit at least 30 minutes of exercise in every day to improve their health. A balanced mix of strengthening, cardio and toning, is perfect to ensure that you get the best workout ever. You’ll feel tougher tomorrow.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking just because you have workout that you can then proceed to eat a huge chunk of cake or other fatty foods. After exercising it is good to treat yourself but make sure you don’t undo all that hard work with a moment’s weakness. Rewarding yourself with a delicious treat is something to really look forward to whilst you are breaking a sweat in the gym.

We have two different intensity half an hour workouts for you, depending on your physical fitness and how strong you are.

If you are struggling with the higher intensity one, just do that maybe once a week and try to increase it as the time goes on. It will get easier. Both of our workouts go by the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) principles, which means that your body burn the most fat available and you get the most out of your workout. Doing a high intensity thirty minute workout is more effective for your body than doing a low intensity hour or more.

Which workout should I choose?

Well, that depends on your level of fitness. Try starting off with the low intensity, once a day. If you feel like it is not enough, either try going through the workout twice, or switch on to the high intensity workout. If you are a newbie to exercise, start off slow.

Workout One – Low Intensity

  • Stretching – 2 minute
  • Walking – 3 minutes
  • Squats – 20
  • Calf raises on each leg – 10
  • Jumping jacks – 30
  • Running – 5 minutes
  • Push ups on knees – 2 minutes
  • Bicep curls on each arm – 15
  • Sit ups – 20
  • Wall squat – one minute
  • Running – 5 minutes
  • High knees each leg – 20
  • Bicycle crunches – 10
  • Lunges each leg – 10
  • Plank – 1 minute
  • Stretching – 2 minutes

Workout Two – High intensity

  • Stretching – 2 minutes
  • Power walking – 3 minutes
  • Squats – 100
  • Calf raises each leg – 25
  • Jumping jacks – 100
  • Sprinting – 5 minutes
  • Push ups – 4 minutes
  • Bicep curls on each arm – 50
  • High knees each leg – 30
  • Wall squat – 3 minutes
  • Sprinting – 5 minutes
  • Plank – 3 minutes
  • Lunges each leg – 50
  • Bicycle crunches – 50
  • Sit ups – 100

For other workouts, diet plans and support with weight loss, have a look at the Curves Complete program. It can be personalized to your lifestyle to help encourage even the busiest people. Sign up now for just $17.95.

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