Mango Nutrition Facts: Super Fruit, Tropical Delight!

Mangoes are one of my favorite fruits! It is a great nutritional source and it just tastes amazing! Read on to find out more.

Mangoes are native to south-eastern Asia, extending from India to the Philippines. Mangoes have been in the human diet for over 6,000 years. Unripe mango has a hard texture and contains starch which gradually changes in glucose, sucrose and maltose as the fruit begins to ripen.

In some countries mangoes are used to treat a variety of diseases and conditions. It is believed that immature mango, in which the seed has not fully formed, can be combined with salt and honey to treat diarrhea, dysentery, piles, morning sickness, chronic dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation. Treatments for heat stroke, bilious disorders and scurvy have also been recorded.

It’s wonderful when a fruit that tastes so delicious has so many wonderful nutrients in it. They are high in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium, Copper and Vitamin A.

Here’s the nutrition facts of one whole peeled mango:

calories: 135
fat: 1 g
carbs: 35 g
protein: 1 g
fiber: 4 g, 14% RDA
Vitamin C: 57.3mg, 97% RDA
Vitamin A: 1584IU, 32% RDA
Vitamin E: 2.3mg, 12% RDA
Vitamin B6: 0.3mg, 14% RDA
Copper: 0.2mg, 11% RDA
Potassium: 323mg, 9% RDA
Sodium and cholesterol: 0

Mangoes also contain several important phytochemicals including: Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Gallic Acid and Anacardic acid.
They are an incredibly healthy snack. You can eat the entire fruit for just over a hundred calories. High in fiber, virtually fat-free, and mangoes contain numerous vitamins. Mangoes also contain beta-carotene which may help slow the aging process, reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer, improve lung function, and reduce complications associated with diabetes.

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