Improve Your Brainwave Activity With Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback therapy, also called as neurotherapy, neurobiofeedback or EEG biofeedback is a therapy that shows you with realtime feedback on your brainwave activity that is measured by the sensors on your scalp, usually in the form of sound, vibration or video.

Neurobiofeedback illustrates the problems of your brain disregulation. These problems include: ADHD, migraines, headaches, sleep disorders, anxiety-depression spectrum, emotional disturbances and PMS.

Also, this therapy is beneficial for organic brain conditions such as autism spectrum, cerebral palsy and seizures.

This therapy works by the application of electrodes to your scalp to listen the brain wave activity. Practitioner processes the signals by computer and extracts information about certain key brainwave frequencies.

The therapist shows you the ebb and flow of the brain wave activity to you.

This therapy improves your brain functioning thus improving your sleep patterns. Sleeping more efficiently makes you alert during the day. Also, this therapy helps with depression and anxiety and also with syndromes like headaches and migraines.

There are two types of neurofeedback therapies, one is Beta/SMR and the other is Alpha/Theta. Each evaluates different brainwave types.

Beta/SMR Neurofeedback Therapy: It evaluates the brain’s Beta/SMR waves. Beta/SMR waves (sensorimotor response waves) are restricted by side and lobe of the brain. They are associated with relaxed, yet focused, behavior.

Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback Therapy: It evaluates the brain’s Alpha/Theta waves. Alpha waves are related with relaxation and fantasies. Also, they are present upon deep introspection.

To undergo this therapy, you should consult one of the mental health professionals. Conditions that can be treated with neurofeedback include:

Brain-based problems in children include:

Cerebral palsy Birth trauma Autism spectrum Pervasive developmental delay Seizures and sub-clinical seizure activity Severely disruptive behavior disorders like bipolar disorder and conduct disorder Acquired brain injury

Sleep problems in children include:

Sleep walking and sleep talking Bed wetting Night terrors Nightmares Teeth grinding

Adolescent problems include:

Suicidal behavior Depression Anxiety Drug abuse

In older people also, brain functioning can be corrected with neurofeedback therapy. The best thing about this therapy is any brain despite its functioning level can be trained to function better.

But, there are some issues where neurofeedback training can be helpful. They include: stroke, seizures, traumatic brain injury, and autism. In these cases, it doesn’t show good result in getting rid of the problem.

It simply organizes your brain functioning in the perspective of whatever damage or loss exists.

If you consider neurofeedback therapy along with conventional medications to adjust the brain functioning, then you can take very low doses of medicines. So, you should tell your therapist if you are using any medication for better brain functioning.


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