This Japanese Trick Is he Best Stress Reliever

stress reliever

An ancient Japanese technique is known for relieving stress within 2-5 minutes. This post from Ideapod Blog describes the best stress reliever that’s backed by science too.

Stress is something all of us face in our daily lives. What if we told you were was an ancient Japanese technique for reducing your stress levels within 2-5 minutes?

This is what we’re about to share with you.

It gets better:

You only need both of your hands to carry it out.

Ancient healing systems have the answer

relieve stress

Many ancient healing systems have shared beliefs about the energy of the body being important for curing illness. Hindu, Asian, Greek, Native American, Tibetan, Zen and Mediterranean healing wisdom all share the belief in a life energy force that we need to balance and harmonize for well-being.

This ancient Japanese technique employs a similar technique using acupressure points. This method that we will describe today is easier, shorter, and can be just as effective in only 2-5 minutes at a time.

Research backing up the technique

Researchers taught this acupressure technique to nurses and measured their stress levels before and after one month of daily practice.

They found that the nurses in the study had “significant increases in positive outlook, gratitude, motivation, calmness, and communication effectiveness and significant decreases in anger, resentfulness, depression, stress symptoms, time pressure, and morale issues. Nurses reported less muscle aches, sleeplessness, and headaches.”

Researchers also found “significant increases in nurses’ caring efficacy in areas of serenity in giving care, tuning in to patients, relating to patients, providing culturally congruent care, individualization of patient care, ability to decrease stressful situations, planning for multiple needs, and creativity in care.”

How to perform this technique on yourself

Each of the fingers in our hand represents a different kind of emotion or feeling.

  • The Thumb helps fend off emotions like worry and anxiety.
  • The Index finger helps you fight your fears.
  • The Middle finger helps control feelings of rage and bitterness.
  • The Ring finger aids in fighting melancholy and depression.
  • The Pinky helps relieve stress and boosts your optimism and self-esteem.

Your goal is to balance all the opposing energy forces in your body. Start by taking one finger at a time, grasping it with the opposite hand and wrapping every finger around it.

Hold each finger for one to two fingers. Wait until you feel the pulse. This is when you know it’s working.

To aid in relaxation, apply slight pressure to the center of your palm with your opposite thumb and hold for at least one minute.

If you practice this technique every day, your spirit becomes balanced, enabling you to deal with stress much more effectively.

To see these steps in action, check out the following video.

Source: This Simple Ancient Japanese Technique Can Relieve Stress and Anxiety in Under 10 Minutes – Ideapod blog

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