Boost Your Immune System With Astragalus

This is a great article. Astragalus has many amazing benefits. It will increase your energy, stimulate the immune system, and has also been employed effectively as a diuretic, and as a treatment for respiratory infections.

Practitioners of Chinese medicine use astragalus root to enhance the body’s energy, known to them as “qi” (pronounced as “chee”). Ancient people used astragalus root to enhance strength and regulate metabolism.

According to researchers at University of Maryland Medical Center, astragalus has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, often in combination with other herbs, to strengthen the body against disease. Traditional Chinese medicine has used astragalus for a remedy for weakness, edema, respiratory infections, diabetes, night sweats, diarrhea, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Medical journals suggest the herb may stimulate the immune system and the body’s ability to resist and combat various diseases. Astragalus may also inhibit the spread and growth of cancer cells. It contains antioxidants, which protect cells against damage caused by free radicals, byproducts of cellular energy. Astragalus is used to protect and support the immune system, for preventing colds and upper respiratory infections, to lower blood pressure, to treat diabetes, and to protect the liver.

Astragalus has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic (helps eliminate fluid from the body) properties. It is sometimes used topically for wounds. In addition, studies have shown that astragalus has antiviral properties and stimulates the immune system, suggesting that it is indeed effective at preventing colds.

In the United States, researchers have investigated astragalus as a possible treatment for people whose immune systems have been compromised by chemotherapy or radiation. In these studies, astragalus supplements have been shown to speed recovery and extend life expectancy. Research on using astragalus for people with AIDS has produced inconclusive results.

Recent research in China indicates that astragalus may offer antioxidant benefits to people with severe forms of heart disease, relieving symptoms and improving heart function.

The benefits of using this amazing Chinese herb are many. It can easily be mixed with water to make a soup or tea and may also be added to an ointment base to treat closed wounds. When used properly, there are virtually no side effects. However, it is important to note that only certain species of this plant should be ingested. The astragalus species known as locoweed, which is common in the western United States, should not be ingested because of the neurotoxins produced by the plant.

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