The Ultimate Guide to the B Blood Type Diet

b blood type diet

Out of all the blood types found within the diversity of the human race, blood type O is the oldest. Some theories stipulate that blood type O came out of primal man’s meat-eating tendencies, and as the theory goes, people with type O are more readily able to digest animal products. 

As migration to Europe and Asia expanded, with humans starting to cultivate crops, blood type A evolved with more herbivorous tendencies. Type A slowly developed enzymes that were better at digesting carbs when compared to O blood type. But where did the most recent development in blood types, blood type B, come from? What are the developments in human evolution that led to its specific characteristics?

History of B Blood Type

The third blood group in the human race is blood type B. The movement from eastern Africa continued past Europe, through Asia, and toward the Himalayas. This was a move from hot to cold climates, and it is believed that blood type B may have been a mutation based on this climatic change. 

Blood type B also established its presence in the Ural region of Asia, where the populace was a mix of Mongolian and Caucasian tribes. As the Mongolians moved through Asia and dominated the Eurasian Plains, blood type B became ever more prevalent. The northward movement heralded more animal domestication, so the diet slowly turned more toward dairy and meat.

This blood type has the clearest geographical outline when compared to others. Japan, China, Mongolia, and India all have a comparatively high percentage of B type group.  Blood type B seems to follow the same migratory lines of the nomadic Asian peoples.

Perhaps based on this nomadic heritage, B type people are flexible. They can adapt to their environment quite easily which might be an outcome of the ancient tribes who were learning to balance both a vegetable and animal-centric diet.

Diet for the B Blood Type

Overall, people with blood type B are known to be sturdy, in both mind and body. They seem to have more resistance to the more common modern diseases like cancer and heart disease and when they follow the recommended blood type diet most people with blood type B can live long healthy lives.

This blood type can break down fats easily. They also have high levels of a bone-strengthening enzyme called intestinal alkaline phosphatase. But, B blood types are more prone to insulin issues, so foods with high glucose content should be eaten only in moderation. There also seems to be a tendency towards lactose intolerance.  In such cases, dairy consumption should obviously be restricted to prevent further health issues. Overall most people with blood type B can handle a variety of foods in their diets.  In fact, the diet for blood type B is considered the most varied blood type diet when compared to other groups.

Foods that Work for the Blood Type B Diet

Vegetables: Onions, Artichokes, Parsnip, Green Vegetables

Animal Proteins: Goat, Lamb, Turkey, Venison, Deep Sea Fish, Dairy, and Eggs

Fruits: Grapefruit, Guava, Apricots

Rice Products: Milk, Rice Bran, Rice Flour

Oils: Olive and Flaxseed Oils

Foods to Avoid in the Blood Type B Diet

Vegetables: Tomatoes

Animal Proteins: Chicken and Shellfish

Fruits: Persimmons, Pomegranates, Star Fruit, Avocados and Prickly pear

Grains: Wheat, Corn, Buckwheat

Beans and Legumes

Nuts and Seeds: Sesame Seeds, Peanuts

Oils: Sunflower, Sesame, and Corn oils

Spices: Cinnamon and Pepper

Why You Should Stick To This Diet

Perhaps you are wondering why blood type B diet recommends one food over another? Corn, buckwheat, sesame seeds, peanuts, and lentils are known to cause weight gain and affect the metabolic rate of people with blood type B. They may also result in problems like hypoglycemia, fatigue, and water retention.

Nuts and seeds like peanuts and sesame seeds have lectins that could potentially interfere with insulin production in blood type B. Lectins in particular pose many problems for blood type B people, because they are resistant to breaking down in the digestive tract, and are absorbed into the blood. Wheat also should be avoided because it contains lectins that bring down insulin efficiency and hamper the fat burning process of the body.

Tomatoes are known to affect the stomach lining and, therefore, should be eliminated from the diet. Although a lean meat, chicken contains a lectin in its muscle tissue that causes agglutination in blood type B. This agglutinating lectin can cause immunity-related problems and even strokes in people with blood type B. Shellfish also contains lectins that are disruptive for this blood type and therefore, should be avoided. Replacing chicken with goat meat, lamb, turkey, and venison is more beneficial for blood type B.

On the positive side, blood type B is the most tolerant of dairy products out of all the blood types. Deep ocean vegetables and fish are an excellent choice as well as green vegetables.

Despite this aversion to lectins, the B blood type digestive system is relatively tolerant, which means it can handle both animal and vegetable carbohydrates and proteins quite easily. Their immune system is extremely robust and is capable of resisting most chronic degenerative illnesses.

While diet is a primary component for maintaining a healthy mind and body, making other lifestyle changes applicable for blood type B can be exponentially beneficial. Blood type B should focus on exercises such as swimming, tennis, hiking, and cycling, all considered to be moderate exercises.

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