3 Easy Ways To Gain Better Emotional Control During Workdays

emotional control

A few moments of mindfulness meditation can help develop better emotional control in the workplace. Learn more at BeWellBuzz about conquering the stress, with ease.

Its Monday morning, and already your work day is disorganized, stressful and unproductive. The emails are piling up, your coworkers are stressing you out, and the rest of the week seems impossible to process. How do you refocus your attention, release your anxiety, and make it through the week successfully?

Taking up a moment of mindfulness meditation throughout your hectic day is a proven method for conquering the stress, disorganization and general unhappiness within a workplace. It’s both an easy and low barrier practice to begin, and has scientific research backing up its positive results.

Mindfulness meditation has been creeping into many aspects of our lives as its positive results continue to be proven. Many people first experience it during their yoga practice, but it is now also showing up in school curriculum, and workplace seminars. There is a growing body of research that is clear on the positive results meditation has on your mind, body and spirit.

What the Research Has To Say

As a person’s mindfulness practice develops, research has found a clear correlation between decreased levels of worry, anxiety and stress. Mindfulness meditation also significantly increases a specific area of grey matter, within the precuneus, and the size of this specific area is deeply connected to one’s positivity and happiness.

There is significant proof that mindful meditation can facilitate longer attention span and ease in task completion. It can help you learn how to focus your mind on a specific task, often when you are faced with distractions.

On top of the benefits listed above, meditation can dramatically assist practitioners in developing more emotional control. It has been found to decrease over-arousal (ex. anger, anxiety, and other negative reactions), while also decreasing the suppression of emotions which can ultimately lead to an eventual explosion.

In essence, it has been found to level out the emotional fluctuations which are associated with a stressful workplace and give people tools to use when faced with very emotionally taxing (or stimulating) environments.

As you can imagine, when faced with chaotic, stressful and uninspiring workplace environment – the skills of emotional management, stress reduction and stronger focused attention can become essential to getting through the day. And the benefits listed here are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mindful meditation!

The best way to get into mindfulness meditation, is simply to start. There are three key aspects to begin with, but unlimited ways to make it work for your life.

Your meditation practice is your own private escape, so it’s very important to make it work for you. It can be practiced at your desk, in a quiet corner or even in a bathroom stall. Use it as a daily practice, and when you need a moment to re-center yourself during an intensely stressful moment.

1. Breathe Deep

Take three deep breaths through your nose, counting for 4 slow beats in and 4 slow beats out. Once you have slowed your breathing down, maintain the 4 slow count in and out. Start to pay attention to the flow of air through your nose, down your throat and filling your lungs.

Keep breathing. Some people prefer to set a timer (starting at a minute and increasing as you practice), others prefer to count each breath cycle. Still another option is to envision a square, breathing in as you think about traveling up one side, holding while at the top, breathing out down the other side, and holding in again at the bottom. Whatever method you prefer, keep focusing on the slow flow of the air through your body. If your mind drifts, do not worry, simply bring it back and start again.

2. Observe the Moment

In the beginning you may not have a chance to move your focus beyond your breath, but as you gain more practice, start to move your awareness towards yourself. Follow your train of thoughts, and as they drift away from your breath, bring them back. Become aware of your emotions; are you angry, restless or overstimulated? Try to focus your attention on the details of your emotions, where do you feel it in your body? Stay present with the moment and how your emotions are playing throughout your body. If your mind drifts, bring it back through your breathing technique.

3. Mindfully Return to Work

When you return to the real world, after your mindfulness meditation moment, remember what you discovered about your emotional state and where you were focusing your attention. If you felt restless, maintain your mindfulness on this as you start working again. If you were stressed about the pace of work, mindfully slow down your pace. Try to remain present in the moment as you continue throughout your day.

…. And Remember Practice Makes Perfect!

Try not to get frustrated the first few times you try to meditate. Your mind will wander, and you will lose count of your breaths. But like all exercises (after all this is a mental exercise) practice makes perfect! Each session will create new pathways within your brain, and each time it will become easier. With daily practice and dedication, you will begin to see changes over time with your emotional wellbeing, and stress management skills.





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